3 Hours
Course Name:
AED & Basic Life Support Refresher
Half day (3 hours)
Validation of Certification: 2 years
Course details:
Maximum of 12 places available

Most workplaces now have Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to help in cases of a sudden cardiac arrest. The AED helps to re-establish the heart’s regular rhythm via an electrical shock. Approximately 60,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur each year in the UK. Survival rates vary between 2% and 12%. But, with a quick response and effective use of an AED, this can rise to approx 75%.

About this course

The HSE recommends that all First Aiders undertake 3 hours of refresher training every year to maintain competency and learn about changes to policies and procedures.This course refreshes knowledge and practical skills needed to assist in the emergency situation of sudden collapse or Cardiac Arrest. It provides the confidence and knowledge needed to deal with life threatening situations.

Who this course is for

This course is suitable for anyone who has already completed the 3 hour Defibrillator and Basic Life Support course.

Candidates should have a positive attitude, be responsible, have an aptitude to help, be able to think clearly in times of need, be willing and able to learn new skills, be physically able to deal with demanding emergency situations and have good communication skills.

What the course will cover

Theoretical and practical understanding of how to administer CPR & AED to an unresponsive casualty in life threatening situation. The course includes:

  • Management, roles and communicationin emergency situations
  • Casualty care
  • Basic life support & breathing management
  • Chest pains & life threatening cardiac rhythms
  • Getting to know the AED (any type)
  • Safety aspects of using an AED
  • How to operate the AED
  • Unresponsive casualty treatment
  • Resuscitation (CPR)

A practical review is used to help each participant. Group and individual feedback will be provided throughout by the tutor.

Course ‘Housekeeping’

All participants will receive a course book and a certificate of attendance. The course involves practical activities with some working on the floor during role play scenarios – please dress appropriately. All candidates should be physically able to participate.


Individual Price
£25 + VAT
Our Location
(Per candidate)
Group Price
£200 + VAT
Your Location
(Max 12 candidates)